Oct 17, 2018 | Trends

What Do Energy Brokers Do?

After deregulation, when energy consumers could choose to source their energy from a supplier, prices became more competitive, but the new choices created decision paralysis for many consumers. Many businesses were overwhelmed with information and were unprepared to execute an energy contract that made sense for them. To address this need, energy brokers have stepped in as intermediators to assist consumers.

What is an Energy Broker?

Sometimes referred to as energy consultants, energy brokers support business owners in the procurement of electricity and natural gas, as well as providing a variety of advisory services.

When helping a business procure energy, brokers serve as intermediaries between energy consumers and energy providers to negotiate the best contracts on behalf of customers. When acting in an advisory capacity, they may help customers create energy budgets, look for cost savings opportunities, or advise them on retrofits.

At Albireo Energy, we have a team of skilled experts that can assist with procurement and advising.  Our team not only has deep market expertise, they have access to the most advanced technology platform in the market.

How Software Supports Energy Brokers

As the world moves into the fourth industrial revolution and big data becomes the new buzzword, energy brokers can also benefit from automation. At Albireo Energy, we certainly have.

Our suite of energy management software applications is designed to support our team in its role as well as our customers. For example, we offer utility management software that can help business owners track their energy usage and cost, as well as leverage this data to create budgets for the upcoming year.

We also utilize a reverse energy auction platform to help our customers obtain the most competitive deals from suppliers. By using an auction, not only are suppliers are encouraged to submit aggressive bids, but you as the customer get the transparency of watching it all live; so you feel comfortable that we are doing the right thing for you and your business.

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